David Dessers

Thursday, September 30, 2021 19:30-22:00, ROYAL YACHT CLUB, Thonetlaan 133, 2050 ANTWERPEN (Linkeroever)

David Dessers is an expe­ri­enced busi­ness lawyer with a strong focus on the tech­nol­o­gy sector.

David fre­quent­ly assists entre­pre­neurs and com­pa­nies in their busi­ness and fundrais­ing activ­i­ties, work­ing with entre­pre­neurs and senior man­age­ment dur­ing all stages of the pri­vate com­pa­ny life­cy­cle includ­ing start-up, seed fund­ing, ven­ture cap­i­tal and debt financ­ing, acqui­si­tions and dis­po­si­tions, as well as employ­ment, equi­ty incen­tive, con­tract­ing and intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty needs.

David rep­re­sents ven­ture cap­i­tal and pri­vate equi­ty funds, fund spon­sors and lim­it­ed part­ners in struc­tur­ing the funds and rais­ing cap­i­tal, under­tak­ing dai­ly man­age­ment and com­pli­ance activ­i­ties, as well as struc­tur­ing, nego­ti­at­ing and clos­ing invest­ments and divest­ments of port­fo­lio companies. 

David advis­es clients reg­u­lar­ly with respect to com­plex com­mer­cial trans­ac­tions designed to pro­tect and max­i­mize the val­ue of tech­nol­o­gy assets, includ­ing tech­nol­o­gy licens­es and acqui­si­tions, research and devel­op­ment col­lab­o­ra­tions, and cor­po­rate part­ner­ing transactions.

David has giv­en work­shops and sem­i­nars at lead­ing cor­po­rates on a wide vari­ety of top­ics, includ­ing cor­po­rate part­ner­ing trans­ac­tions and alliances. He is an active con­trib­u­tor and speak­er at research insti­tu­tions, incu­ba­tors and accel­er­a­tors, such as imec.istart, Scale​-ups​.eu, Co.Station, Netwerk Onderne­men, Watt Fac­to­ry, And& Sum­mit & Fes­ti­val, Tech Tour, Euronext TechShare and Start It. 

David is author of the busi­ness book ​“Inno­vate Col­lab­o­rate. Grow!”, writ­ten for pur­pos­es of pro­vid­ing strate­gic guid­ance to entre­pre­neurs, cor­po­rates, investors and research insti­tu­tions on how to struc­ture mutu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial col­lab­o­ra­tions where all stake­hold­ers can come out winning.

David is rec­om­mend­ed as lead­ing lawyer by Cham­bers Glob­al, Cham­bers Europe, Legal500 and IFLR1000 for Cor­po­rate and M&A,Capital Mar­kets, Pri­vate Equi­ty and Infor­ma­tion Technology.

Statutaire vergadering met David Dessers, een ervaren zakenadvocaat met focus op de technologiesector

David Dessers


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